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Rental/hotel network face lock solution

Rental/hotel network face lock solution

 This is an online face recognition, through the USB port connected to the computer online secondary development equipment.

It is a face recognition system integrating image acquisition and face processing. It is used for the integration and docking of third-party products.


· Personal identification is carried out by a non-contact method, thus providing convenience and hygiene.

· 1:N and 1:1 comparison methods can be adopted.

· High recognition rate and fast recognition rate.

· The distance between 0.5 and 1.5 m can be compared.

· It can also be compared by turning the face at 20 degrees.

· To a certain extent, changes in facial expression and illumination also remain stable.

· The camera and the person to be identified should be located away from direct light.

· Slight image changes and dialogues can also be compared

· People wearing various glasses are also easy to identify

· Face recognition rate is very stable under indoor conditions


I. Demand Overview

With the deepening of the urbanization process, a large number of people began to flood into the first and second tier cities, and the demand for rental housing, hotels, apartments, public rental housing and other long and short rental demand in big cities continued to grow. Due to the large base of migrant population and strong mobility, it is not only difficult to manage, but also increasingly prominent contradictions in housing rental, such as group renting, co-renting, and sub-leasing by the principal landlord.

In order to regulate the rental market and manage the floating population, relevant departments have issued regulations for many times: The Measures for The Administration of Public Security in The Hotel Industry, The Law of the People's Republic of China on Punishment for Public Security Administration and the Anti-Terrorism Law of the People's Republic of China require real-name registration for hotel accommodation (including home stays and rented apartments), so as to facilitate the control of information about the occupants, combat and prevent fugitive crimes and intercept wanted suspects.

At the same time for public rental housing, reside a room, and rent apartment, such as room of talent to provide corresponding government of people enjoy preferential government policies in housing, there is also a problem of individual in violation of the mediation and the tenant sublet, local councils said "zero tolerance", have new rules that required to rent a house, reside a room, and rent apartments, such as room of talent project installation of face recognition system.

Therefore, the intelligent network face recognition lock scheme provides a good way to verify the real name by virtue of its convenience, non-contact and non-substitutability. At the same time, combined with Internet of Things technology, real-name verification information will be uploaded to the corresponding public security system or lease management system in real time through the network. It is not only convenient for relevant departments to strengthen the management of floating population, but also more conducive to the standardization and management of urban rental market.

Second, solutions
Shenzhen Tongchuang Technology Co., Ltd. as a collection of biological technology and Internet of things technology product solution provider, according to the actual demand of public rental housing/long rental apartment/rental room/hotel, public rental housing/long rental apartment/rental room/hotel network face recognition lock scheme.

1. Scheme topology:

2. Program Description:
To realize the real-name verification of check-in, we recommend the way of using face lock to achieve the real-name verification.
According to the characteristics of face recognition technology and the size of face feature code, we recommend wifi communication under normal power supply, 433/ Bluetooth communication under low power consumption (lithium battery power supply), and 2G/3G/4G communication under special circumstances.
The use of special face registration machine to provide unified collection of face lock face data for living and renting.
Provide witness verification, before collecting face data, first provide the second generation of ID card, witness comparison, prove the real name of the holder, and then face lock face data collection. The collected face data is sent to the corresponding face lock by the application layer platform.
Face recognition lock provides TCP protocol (or middleware) for data communication with application layer platform. (THE main content of TCP includes but not limited to face data collection, delivery, time synchronization, remote door opening, real-time uploading of identification records, access to record information, etc.)
3. Workflow

4. Face locking module introduction

1) Technical parameters of various models

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